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Published on 2024-02-29

Game FiveM
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Type RP
Offline since 4 days
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14 seconds
Server Owner NowAndABen
Discord https://discord.gg/2Bnx22CHXG
Hits this month
Country United Kingdom GB

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YUME is a Serious Story Based RP Server

At YUME we're here for the story. The ride. We've crafted a deep and richly interactive city and placed it at your fingertips. No whitelisting, no gatekeeping, the city is yours to dominate - or die trying.

The vehicle market has had a significant upgrade, with over 200 Lore-friendly cars being added and many of them added to the local ambiance, as well as hundreds of interior and exterior map changes (some unique to YUME, with more to come). YUME's version of Los Santos is designed to feel truly alive and unique.

The drug scene in Los Santos is complex - a corrupt city mayor has allowed crime to run rampant, with methods evolving for a wide variety of drugs, and there are willing clients all over the city looking for a high... in whatever form you can supply.

Theft is rampant, and not limited to the banks and depositories around the island - there are many nefarious "business people" on the island looking for a brave soul to help them extract value from their competitors...

Not that crime is the only route to success. There are dozens of businesses - restaurants, mechanics, offices, technician, real estate, locksmith, delivery, skydiving instructors... anything you can dream of, just waiting for someone to come along and open the business doors! And if serving your community is more your thing, there are rewarding careers in the Police, Healthcare, Mayor's office and DOJ, all player-led.

Any player can achieve any goal - Chief of Police or drug kingpin, that is up to you.

Join us on the road to crafting brilliant stories together. Everyone has a role to play.

100s of maps including some maps custom to YUME

100s of Lore-friendly new vehicles

Player-ran PD and EMS

Dozens of different crimes including big heists and drugs, including some custom to YUME

A large variety of civilian jobs

Mayoral election with an empowered Mayor

Fully implemented DOJ

and so, so much more.


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